
Grades 6 – 12

At Anchor Bay, we believe the process of discipleship begins long before an individual is cognizant of their journey with the Lord. Therefore, our youth ministry exists to help students grow to know and experience Jesus Christ in such a way that equips and propels them to share their faith by loving and serving those around them. We exist to be a place for students to ask hard questions, explore what it means to live a life committed to God’s will and word, and celebrate God's work in and through their lives on a daily basis.

Join us on Sunday nights!

One way we engage this vision is through our Sunday evening youth group event! All middle school and high school students are invited to join us as we gather together to get to know one another, enjoy delicious dinner, play games, and study God's word.

Youth Group meets most Sundays from 4-5:30pm at the church. Check our Calendar for Youth Group & Special Events!

Family Resource Library


Kids & Families


Creative Arts